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Episode 3 – Jay

Jay is the kind of guy that by the time we had set up the mics and done a quick sound check I already knew we could be great friends. Jay and I sat down in a city park in Layton, Utah and after the recording we spent a good amount of time talking and continuing to get to know each other.

Jay is best described as a person that is willing to help. Be it his family or total strangers, Jay lends his time to make the others around him enjoy life more fully. Jay works with the Sleep in Heavenly Peace charity, which provides beds for children in need across the United States, and he works specifically with the Syracuse, Utah chapter. If you would like to support Jay’s efforts with the charity, check out and make a donation.

If you want to appear on an episode, fill out the form on our Apply to Appear page and we’ll work out a time to record.

Music credit: Demons, by Will Turpin from the album Serengeti Drivers.

Episode 2 – Matt

For our second episode, Matt calls in via Skype and we immediately get into the important topics, such as what a self-proclaimed ice cream enthusiast feels is the best brand of ice cream on store shelves. Matt was a great guest, and he put up with a whole host of technical issues to get this recording down. Thanks for pushing through, Matt!

If you want to appear on an episode, fill out the form on our Apply to Appear page and we’ll work out a time to record.

Music credit: Demons, by Will Turpin from the album Serengeti Drivers.

Episode 1 – Tracy

Tracy joins me for the first episode of Have We Met? and we had a fun time sitting down and kicking off the show. Audio quality was a little rough on this one, due to the room, but Tracy was a fantastic guest and was a perfect way to get the show rolling.

Tracy is best described as a lot of fun in a small package. Call her mischievous, but don’t call her irresponsible. I got to spend some extra time after the recording talking to Tracy, and she has an amazingly positive attitude for someone that has had to face so much adversity in life. It’s nice to find so much inspiration in the people who are all around us.

If you want to appear on an episode, fill out the form on our Apply to Appear page and we’ll work out a time to record.

Music credit: Demons, by Will Turpin from the album Serengeti Drivers.

The Music of Have We Met?

In all the past podcasts I’ve done, one of the most common questions has always been, “so, what was that intro and outro music?” For Have We Met? we’re lucky enough to get to use the song Demons, by Will Turpin. Many people might know Will Turpin for his work as the bassist for Collective Soul, but he also has recently released a solo album, Serengeti Drivers. Demons is the first track on the new album. Check it out on the show when we launch soon, but in the meantime, find it at the following places:



Coming Soon: Have We Met? – A Podcast About People

Have you ever met someone in passing and had a surprisingly good conversation with them? Maybe you were that one in a million instance where you talked to the person next to you on the plane and rather than getting annoyed, they talked back. By the time you landed, you were grateful for the chat and pretty surprised that the two of you found so much to discuss.

I believe that everybody has something interesting to say and something interesting to share. The average person is interesting, and I want to prove that. You are interesting, and I want to talk to you.

Here’s how the show is going to work. I’m going to interview someone each episode that I have never met. There’s no requirements for someone to come on the show, except for the fact that I can’t know a single thing about them. We’ll spend the next 5-10 minutes having a quick chat and that’ll be it. Nothing fancy, but it should be fun for both of us and hopefully for all the listeners out there.

On the surface of things, this sounds like a pretty boring idea, and that’s ok! Once episodes start going up and we all start getting to know each other, I think we’ll find that the everyday person on the street has a lot more to them than we often expect.

If you would like to appear on the show, just fill out our contact form to get included for consideration. I’ll follow up with you by email and we can set a record time.

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