
Episode 12 – Mandi

Mandi is a hairstylist and makeup artist that loves Laffy Taffy jokes, wants to come back as a mermaid in her next life, has pink hair, and will make you laugh if you ever get the chance to sit down and talk with her. Mandi is great at her job, working in a hair and makeup salon, and she has plans to stay there for a very long time. Due to the nature of her work, Mandi gets to talk to and meet new people all the time, something that I am pretty jealous of if I’m being honest. Listen in as Mandi and I discuss awkward conversations in the salon, sad movie moments, reasons to be jailed, getting dunked on verbally by your nana, and how people are like cupcakes and far too often we only lick the surface.

If you want to appear on an episode, fill out the form on our Apply to Appear page and we’ll work out a time to record.

Music credit: Demons, by Will Turpin from the album Serengeti Drivers.